Friday, 20 December 2024

Plywood tops

 Adding Plywood to the staging yard benchwork


I had designed the staging yard benchwork to be either 400mm, or 600mm wide.  That would allow the 1200x2400 mm plywood sheets to be cut lengthwise into 2 or 3 strips.

Last weekend, I had a rushed trip to Melbourne.  And I never miss an opportunity to photograph trams.  This D1 tram was pictured on Burke Road.  

The plywood sheets have been stored for about 8 years.  There is a long story on their acquisition, the main one was that they were "free", possibly because they had imperfections.  Transporting them from Wagga, storing them, and moving them has been an ongoing logistic challenge.  However, it is great to be using them now.

I had stored the sheets in my paddock shed.  A hand trolley used to move them

Cutting the sheets on my table saw was awkward, but I am indepted to Steve, who helped me handle the big sheets, and then assisted in securing them to the benchwork.

Cutting a smaller plywood sheet on the bench saw was something I could do myself. 

Albury staging is mostly 400 mm wide.  The angled plywood section comes from the 600 mm wide strips

I had to adjust the benchwork to maintain the aisle width at the pinchpoint.  Looks a bit awkward, but once covered with plywood, it won't be an issue

Junee staging is 600mm wide

This was the "scrap" from one sheet of plywood; the two 600mm strips fitted the benchwork perfectly, which may be a fluke (or incredibly good planning).  

Trouble cat inspecting the benchwork.

Jig-sawed shape 

Murrumbidgee river section was covered with smaller sections of plywood

Adding the benchtops has suprisingly made the room feel bigger.  And it is starting to look like a layout.   I had hoped to be further advanced, but the melbourne trip, and a bout of suspected food poisoning has stalled progress

Some more acquisitions

Early Xmas present for myself.  Latest ARM model - NSW 55 class.

A framed print of Wagga Wagga station - thanks to Macca for securing this for me.  It came from the Wagga model railway clubrooms, which are being condemned by council.  Sadly, the Wagga model railway club is being disbanded

Next steps

I have estimated I have around 60 metres of staging yard track to lay. 

Until next time. 


  1. Good progress Rob, anytime you are working on a layout is a good and satisfying day.

  2. Hi Rob - I'd love to get in touch re some of your research if you have time for a yarn

    1. Sure Chris, that would be good. My blog scope has grown a bit, to include being a repository of historical pictures which are specifically railway related to the Wagga-Tumbarumba area. email :
